Course curriculum

  • 1

    Chapter 1: Classroom Management Techniques

  • 2

    Chapter 2: The Teacher's Role in Empowering Student Learning

    • Introduction ≈ 5 min

    • Course Objectives ≈ 5 min

    • Student-centered vs Teacher-centered classroom ≈ 5 min

    • Case Study ≈ 10 min

    • Case Review ≈ 5 min

    • Curriculum in a Student-centered Classroom ≈ 5 min

    • Task 1 ≈ 10 min

    • Suggested Answers ≈ 5 min

    • Choose your Classroom Style ≈ 5 min

    • Pick your Instructional methods ≈ 5 min

    • Activity 'Vocabulary Race' ≈ 5 min

    • Assessment and Evaluation ≈ 5 min

    • Task 2 ≈ 10 min

    • Student-Centered Classroom: 5 Key Questions ≈ 5 min

    • Tips from students: Technology Integration ≈ 5 min

    • Social Media ≈ 5 min

    • Language Learning Apps ≈ 5 min

    • Online Resources ≈ 5 min

    • Final Step ≈ 1 min

    • Quiz ≈ 15 min

    • Keep on Reading ≈ 60 min

    • Wrapping Up ≈ 5 min

  • 3

    Chapter 3: Enhancing ESL Learning with Positive Reinforcement Strategies

    • Introduction ≈ 5 min

    • Course Objectives ≈ 5 min

    • What is positive reinforcement? ≈ 5 min

    • Task 1 ≈ 10 min

    • Positive Reinforcement Theories ≈ 5 min

    • Positive Reinforcement ≈ 5 min

    • Negative Reinforcement ≈ 5 min

    • Positive Punishment ≈ 5 min

    • Negative Punishment ≈ 5 min

    • Universally Effective Technique ≈ 5 min

    • Social Cognitive Theory ≈ 5 min

    • Task 2 ≈ 10 min

    • Importance of Positive Reinforcement ≈ 5 min

    • Positive Reinforcement Teaching Techniques ≈ 5 min

    • Activity Rewards ≈ 5 min

    • Task 3 ≈ 10 min

    • Case Study 1 I Consistency is key ≈ 10 min

    • Case Study 2 I Considering Age and Personality ≈ 10 min

    • Case Study 3 I Modulation of Praise ≈ 10 min

    • Final Step ≈ 1 min

    • Quiz ≈ 15 min

    • Keep on reading ≈ 60 min

    • Wrapping up ≈ 5 min

  • 4

    Chapter 4: Ways to Adapt the Materials

    • Welcome ≈ 1 min

    • Introduction ≈ 5 min

    • Course Objectives ≈ 5 min

    • What Is a Tailored Curriculum ≈ 5 min

    • Theories Behind the Material Adaptation ≈ 5 min

    • Constructivism ≈ 5 min

    • Zone of Proximal Development (ZPD) ≈ 5 min

    • Task 1 ≈ 10 min

    • Why to Adapt the Materials and How to Do it Well ≈ 5 min

    • Manage Time Constraints ≈ 5 min

    • Ensure Clarity ≈ 5 min

    • Engage Fast Finishers ≈ 5 min

    • Boost Motivation ≈ 5 min

    • Empower Critical Thinking ≈ 5 min

    • Break Monotony ≈ 5 min

    • Task 2 ≈ 10 min

    • Key Approaches to Material Adaptation ≈ 5 min

    • Adding ≈ 5 min

    • Deleting ≈ 5 min

    • Modifying ≈ 5 min

    • Simplifying ≈ 5 min

    • Re-ordering ≈ 5 min

    • Summing up ≈ 5 min

    • Final Step ≈ 1 min

    • Quiz ≈ 15 min

    • Keep on reading ≈ 60 min

    • Wrapping up ≈ 5 min

  • 5

    Chapter 5: Parents' Role In Online Learning

    • Introduction ≈ 5 min

    • Course Objectives ≈ 5 min

    • Teaching vs Parenting ≈ 5 min

    • Task 1 ≈ 10 min

    • Parenting Styles Typology ≈ 5 min

    • Type 1 | Ostrich ≈ 5 min

    • Type 2 | Hummingbird ≈ 5 min

    • Type 3 | Panda ≈ 5 min

    • Type 4 | Elephant ≈ 5 min

    • Type 5 | Tiger ≈ 5 min

    • Type 6 | Jellyfish ≈ 5 min

    • Task 2 ≈ 10 min

    • Building Rapport with Parents ≈ 5 min

    • Components of Clear Communication ≈ 5 min

    • Parent Orientation ≈ 5 min

    • Feedback and Assessment ≈ 5 min

    • Collaborative Approach ≈ 5 min

    • Task 3 ≈ 10 min

    • Join us in the teachers' room ≈ 10 min

    • Case Study ≈ 10 min

    • Case Review ≈ 5 min

    • Summary ≈ 5 min

    • Quiz ≈ 15 min

    • Keep on reading ≈ 60 min

    • Wrapping up ≈ 5 min

  • 6

    Chapter 6: Digital Wellbeing in an ESL classroom

    • Welcome ≈ 1 min

    • Introduction ≈ 5 min

    • Course Objectives ≈ 5 min

    • Student’s Digital Wellbeing ≈ 5 min

    • Digital Wellbeing in a Nutshell ≈ 5 min

    • Task 1 ≈ 10 min

    • Online Learning & Digital Wellbeing ≈ 5 min

    • Task 2 ≈ 5 min

    • Building Healthy Online Habits ≈ 5 min

    • Task 3 Part 1 ≈ 10 min

    • Task 3 Part 2 ≈ 10 min

    • Task 3 Part 3 ≈ 5 min

    • Getting Along in a Digital Classroom ≈ 5 min

    • Classroom Then and Now ≈ 5 min

    • Promoting Online Kindness ≈ 5 min

    • Digital Etiquette ≈ 5 min

    • Shared Interest ≈ 5 min

    • Empathy ≈ 5 min

    • Case Study. Part 1 ≈ 10 min

    • Case Study. Part 2 ≈ 10 min

    • Case Study. Checklist ≈ 5 min

    • Final Step ≈ 1 min

    • Quiz ≈ 15 min

    • Keep on reading ≈ 60 min

    • Wrapping up ≈ 5 min

  • 7

    Chapter 7: Early Childhood in the Digital Era

    • Welcome! ≈ 1 min

    • Introduction ≈ 5 min

    • Course Objectives ≈ 5 min

    • Early Childhood Development Basics ≈ 5 min

    • From Newborn to School Age ≈ 5 min

    • Task 1 ≈ 15 min

    • Are Children Growing up Faster? ≈ 5 min

    • The 3 Digital Generations ≈ 5 min

    • Gen Z and Alpha ≈ 5 min

    • Bridging the Generation Gap ≈ 5 min

    • Task 2 ≈ 15 min

    • The Role of Digitalisation in ESL Teaching ≈ 5 min

    • S - Support for Young Learners ≈ 5 min

    • A - Advancing Digitalisation ≈ 5 min

    • I - Individualized Teaching Strategies ≈ 5 min

    • L - Learning from others ≈ 5 min

    • R -Rising to Challenges ≈ 5 min

    • S-A-I-L-R ≈ 5 min

    • Case Study. Part 1 ≈ 10 min

    • Case Study. Part 2

    • Balance Between Learning and Playing ≈ 5 min

    • Task 3 ≈ 15 min

    • Final Step ≈ 1 min

    • Quiz ≈ 15 min

    • Keep on reading ≈ 60 min

    • Wrapping up ≈ 5 min

  • 8

    Chapter 8: Engagement & Motivation

    • Welcome to the Engagement and Motivation course! ≈ 1 min

    • Introduction ≈ 5 min

    • Course Objectives ≈ 5 min

    • How to Build up Motivation in Your Class Part 1 ≈ 5 min

    • How to Build up Motivation in Your Class Part 2 ≈ 5 min

    • Task 1 ≈ 10 min

    • The Science Behind Motivation ≈ 5 min

    • Task 2 ≈ 10 min

    • Motivation Sources and Media ≈ 5 min

    • 2 Types of Motivation Part 1 ≈ 5 min

    • 2 Types of Motivation Part 2 ≈ 5 min

    • Task 3 ≈ 10 min

    • Why Motivation Matters Part 1 ≈ 5 min

    • Why Motivation Matters Part 2 ≈ 5 min

    • Why Motivation Matters Part 3 ≈ 5 min

    • Task 4 ≈ 10 min

    • Engaged Student Checklist ≈ 5 min

    • Case Study 1 ≈ 1 min

    • Dealing with Misbehaviour Part 1 ≈ 5 min

    • Dealing with Misbehaviour Part 2 ≈ 5 min

    • Dealing with Misbehaviour Part 3 ≈ 5 min

    • Case Study 2 ≈ 1 min

    • Dealing with a Shy Student Part 1 ≈ 5 min

    • Dealing with a Shy Student Part 2 ≈ 5 min

    • Dealing with a Shy Student Part 3 ≈ 5 min

    • Final Step ≈ 1 min

    • Quiz ≈ 15 min

    • Summary ≈ 5 min

    • Keep on reading ≈ 60 min

    • Wrapping up ≈ 5 min

  • 9

    Chapter 9: Child Psychology

    • Welcome ≈ 5 min

    • Introduction ≈ 5 min

    • Before the Webinar ≈ 5 min

    • Pre-webinar Quiz ≈ 10 min

    • Setting the Stage ≈ 5 min

    • Child Psychology Part 1 ≈ 60 min

    • Child Psychology Part 2 ≈ 60 min

    • Final Step ≈ 5 min

    • Quiz ≈ 15 min

    • Wrapping up ≈ 5 min

  • 10

    Chapter 10: Ways to Manage Learner Attitudes

    • Welcome! ≈ 5 min

    • Introduction ≈ 5 min

    • Before the Webinar ≈ 5 min

    • Pre-webinar Quiz ≈ 10 min

    • Ways to Manage Learners Attitudes ≈ 60 min

    • Final Step ≈ 5 min

    • Quiz ≈ 15 min

    • Wrapping up ≈ 5 min